In my initial baby shopping I omitted buying and registering for a nursing chair. It seemed frivolous and unnecessary, one of those industry gimmicks where moms get caught up in decorating and must have a cute little rocking chair.
As your due date got closer I started rethinking this. Breastfeeding 8-10 times a day? I sure better have a comfortable place to sit! And so I drove my pregnant self to Babies R Us to find an inexpensive yet relaxing place to sit. There is no better time to pick out a chair than when you are 8 months pregnant, tired, and swollen. I definitely got comfortable in their chair section.

While I didn't pick the least expensive, I did choose one that goes on sale quite often. Three weeks into breast feeding and it is without a doubt one of the best purchases I've made. As it turns out you nurse much more than 8-12 times a day so we definitely get our use of it. Many a sleep deprived night (every night) we fall asleep together in the chair. Probably not the safest way to sleep, but you love it and I adore the bonding time. It is a big compliment to the chair that I can doze off, unintentionally, for hours at a time. The majority of my sleep actually comes in chair as I am just completely unable to stay awake during our late night feedings. Another perk is the wide arms, which when paired with a pillow make an optimal place for the laptop ...
Product review: This chair (and ottoman) from Babies R Us is a blessing for me. However, I realize it may not be ideal for all builds. It is rather low to the ground, which is comfortable for my 5'5" frame. The construction and materials thus far seem to be of excellent quality. I highly recommend test driving the chairs at your local baby store to see what fits you best. Keep in mind whether you will be using a Boppy Pillow (more on that later) you will need the width of the chair to exceed your width plus the Bobby. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to measure your post pregnancy width when you are pregnant. It's a little less difficult to try on the Boppy when you are pregnant.
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