With a four month birthday on August 22, 2009 and a demandingly healthy appetite, Tucker was reaching the maximum capacity of his clothes, pushing the limits of what "fits". Weighing in at 16 pounds 13 oz and 26 inches long, Tucker had stamped his ticket into the big little boy clothes. Yes, my four month old son (now 5 months!) had graduated into NINE MONTH old sleepers. So, here come the cliche... They grow up so fast.
We like to lay Tucker down at night in onesie sleepers. Carters makes wonderfully cuddly fleece fitted onesies, thanks to Jill and Ben for gifting us with the one Tucker is pictured in here!

As quickly as he was outgrowing his clothes, Tucker seemed to be outgrowing his toys. More appropriately, Tucker seemed to be growing into a whole new set of toys, yearning for new mental challenges and explorations. With Tucker nestled in the baby Bjorn one Friday evening, Tucker and I explored the endless racks of clothes and toys (before he fell asleep) at our local Babies R Us and the adjacent Target. Retail therapy accomplished, Tucker and I hunted down mom's favorite new sleepers (for Tucker) and a set of new toys all of which are his favorite. The same weekend Tucker's grandparents were out on a similar venture, finding him this crazy contraption for entertainment away from his house.

We can already see his head growing from the extra synapses firing...
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